

The Resident Leadership Academy 

The Resident Leadership Academy was founded in partnership with the County of San Diego HHSA during the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CCPW) initiative in 2011, which focused on obesity prevention.[expand title=”Read more about RLA“]

The Resident Leadership Academy is a curriculum-based, public health leadership program that seeks to train community residents from underserved, under-represented communities to become a health advocate for a lifetime, especially as it relates to addressing issues of public safety, healthy food access, and the quality of physical activity opportunities in communities.

  • We understand that it is social, economic and environmental conditions that people live in are largely culpable for the inequities that exist in our society.
  • We believe that environments matter and that health happens in neighborhoods — not the doctor’s office —
  • We seek to change environments to support a healthy lifestyle in hopes of creating health equity for all people,

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This RLA program has been replicated at least 36 times in San Diego County in urban and rural areas across San Diego since its creation in 2011.  The RLA has also been replicated outside of San Diego County in Orange County, Eastside Riverside and West Ventura.  The RLA model has become a movement that continues to grow in San Diego County and Southern CA!

