
Refugee Teen / Youth Leadership Academy

Refugee Teen / Youth Leadership Academy



The Newcomers Support & Development (NSD) partnered with community Health Improvement Partnership to facilitate a short term (4 non-consecutive days) Resident Leadership Academy (RLA) for the refugee community in El Cajon.

As an Ethnic Community Based Organization (ECBO) that is driven by the community needs, surveyed the community about the top needs. The refugee youth was one of the top priorities. The Community Iraqi Soccer Team coaches reached out to NSD requesting information about this RLA and how can that assist them addressing their needs.

After reviewing the applications, we invited the soccer team players to be part of this RLA. All team members ages are between 16-24. 
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RLA Day 1:  February 23rd, 2017.

17 participants attended the first workshop and provided a brief introduction about the RLA. The facilitators explained the SWOT analysis procedures and asked the participants for their inputs about their local community.